Sunday 29 June 2008

Story 1 Granny Tigress and Little Red (May 2008)

1. Little Red Riding Hood met MeiMei, a girl from Taiwan on the Internet.
She bought a flight ticket to see her friend.
The Big Bad Wolf hacked into her email account and decided to follow her.
“Little Red with Chinese spices sounds good!” He tought.

2. The Big Bad Wolf had read a lot.
He thought, the book says wolves always go to the granny first, then they can eat Little Red.
So he went to Mei Mei’s Granny’s house first.

3. Granny opened the door, and was very happy to have a guest.
She rang Granny Tigress and asked her to go to her grand-children’s house.
“You must come here and get those rice cakes for them, ” She said,
“and please sleep with the younger brother, ‘cause he has difficulties falling asleep.”

4.Granny Tigress was a little nervous, but she said yes and packed a snack in case she got hungry.
She went to their house, and rang the bell. “Ring~~”
MeiMei asked: “Who is it?”
Granny Tigress: “It’s Granny!”

5.MeiMei: “How do we know you are really Granny?”
Granny Tigress: “I’ve got your favorite rice cakes with me!”
Granny Tigress showed the rice cakes to them.
The girls then let her in.

6. It’s time to go to bed now.
Granny Tigress remember what Their Granny had asked her.
So she insisted to sleep with WeiWei, the younger brother.

7. WeiWei was a naughty boy. He cried so hard and could not fall asleep.
Granny Tigress tried so hard to soothe him, but he cried even louder.
She held him in her arms, but he bit her, and the blood began to flaw.

8. At midnight, finally WeiWei was tired. He fell asleep in just a few seconds.
Granny Tigress was relieved. She felt very hungry.
She took out some sausages from her bag and started to eat, “Munch, munch.”

9. After a while, Granny Tigress heard someone wake up in the other room.
Little Red knocked on the door. “Granny, Granny! What are you eating?”
Granny Tigress was shocked that she had come and asked her.
She said: “Sausages of course! What’s wrong? Do you think I am eating WeiWei’s little fingers?”
Little Red answered, “Granny, I would like to try one as well.”

10. Granny Tigress reached out her hand and gave Little Red some sausages.
But she did not notice some blood from her wound had dropped on the sausages.
Little Red screamed out loud. “Oh my God! Help! Granny ate WeiWei!”

11. MeiMei woke up and run quickly towards the screams.
Granny Tigress kept explaining, “Those really are sausages!” But no one believed her.
She was too anxious to hide her tail.

12. MeiMei wanted to call the police,
Granny Tigress was very worried, She thought these people were so unreasonable.
But she didn’t really know what to do, so she tied them up to the chairs., and tried to run away.

13. Little Red said, “I want to go to the toilet, please!”
“You can hold the other end of the rope to make sure that I don’t run away.”
So Granny Tigress let her go and ran away quickly.

14. Granny Tigress was much too afraid of being caught by the police, So she hid in the forest and never came out again.
The Big Bad Wolf had a nice chat with Granny, so he did not eat her.
They became good friends in the end.

15. But Granny Tigress still has become a terrifying character.
Now mothers always warn their children,
“Be good and go to bed early, otherwise Granny Tigress will eat your fingers!”

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