Sunday 29 June 2008

Tutorial Log 6 (16 Jun 2008)


1. Test the stories on more children to see their respond and comments and to rich your research sources. Ask them for the illustration style that they like, and how the characters should be look like in their mind.

2. 7-10 years-old children are independent enough to read on their own, but the younger children may look at the pictures more then the text, and the older children may look at the text more then the pictures. Try to give out more details and information in the pictures.

3. Think of what will interests them: Vivid colour? Characters? …etc. Think of how do you want them to respond, to be scared of the image or feel fun.

4. Try to find children’s book publishing companies that could support your printing for the final hand-in, or possibly publish the picture book in the future.

5. About the C.V. :
a. Try to add few lines describing the work that you showed on the C.V.
b. You put too much things in it. Try to make it clear and selective.
c. What they want to see is your ideas not too many details.
d. Think of what companies interests you and what is your strengths that can offer
e. Keep the layout simple.

agreed actions:

1. To test the stories on Damian’s kids and Jackie’s kids.
2. To find publishing companies and contact them.
3. To keep drawing and bring the visual practice work to the tutorial next week.
4. To redesign my C.V.

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